作者:Gwynn Guilford Nikhil Sonnad
原文:What Steve Bannon really wants
What does Donald Trump want for America?His supporters don't know. His party doesn't know. Even he doesn't know. Ifthere is a political vision underlying Trumpism, however, the person to ask isnot Trump. It's his éminence grise, Stephen K. Bannon, the chief strategist ofthe Trump administration.
唐纳德·特朗普想要把美国带向何处?他的支持者不知道,共和党不知道,连他自己可能也不知道。然而, 如果"特朗普主义" 有一个政治愿景, 该问的人不是特朗普,而是他的首席战略顾问史蒂芬·班农。
Bannon transcended his working-classVirginia roots with a stint in the Navy and a degree from Harvard BusinessSchool, followed by a career as a Goldman Sachs financier. He moved to LosAngeles to invest in media and entertainment for Goldman, before starting hisown investment bank specializing in media. Through a combination of luck (afallen-through deal left him with a stake in a hit show called Seinfeld) and aknack for voicing outrage, Bannon remade himself as a minor luminary within thefar edge of right-wing politics, writing and directing a slew of increasinglyconservative documentaries.
班农摆脱了弗吉尼亚工人家庭出身的身份,(大学毕业后)先是到海军服役,后又到哈佛大学商学院深造,获MBA学位,之后开启了高盛金融家的职业生涯。他搬到洛杉矶,专攻高盛对媒体和娱乐行业的投资。之后,他创办自己的专注于媒体行业的投资银行。通过运气(一场失败的交易让他获得了一部名为《宋飞正传》的热播剧的股份) 和表达愤怒的本领的结合, 班农将自己重塑为极端的右翼政治人物, 创作和导演一系列越来越保守的纪录片。
Bannon's influence reached a new high in2012 when he took over Breitbart News, an online news site, following the deathof creator Andrew Breitbart. While at Breitbart, Bannon ran a popular talkradio call-in show and launched a flame-throwing assault on mainstream Republicans,embracing instead a fringe cast of ultra-conservative figures. Among them wasTrump, a frequent guest of the show. They established a relationship thateventually led Bannon to mastermind Trump's populist romp to the White House,culminating in his taking the administration's most senior position (alongsidethe chief of staff, Reince Priebus).
It's impossible to know for sure whatBannon will do with his newfound power; he honors few interview requestslately, ours included. (The White House did not respond to our request to speakwith Bannon.) But his time as a conservative filmmaker and head of BreitbartNews reveals a grand theory of what America should be. Using the vast amount ofBannon's own publicly available words—from his lectures, interviews, films andmore—we can construct elements of the vision for America he hopes to realize inthe era of Trump.
Thethree tenets of Bannonism
Bannon's political philosophy boils down tothree things that a Western country, and America in particular, needs to besuccessful: Capitalism, nationalism, and "Judeo-Christian values." These areall deeply related, and essential.
America, says Bannon, is suffering a"crisis of capitalism." (He uses the word "crisis" a lot—more on that later.)Capitalism used to be all about moderation, an entrepreneurial American spirit,and respect for one's fellow Christian man. In fact, in remarks delivered to theVatican in 2014, Bannon says that this "enlightened capitalism" was the"underlying principle" that allowed the US to escape the "barbarism" of the20th century.
Since this enlightened era, things havegradually gotten worse. (Hence the "crisis.") The downward trend began with the1960s and '70s counterculture. "The baby boomers are the most spoiled, mostself-centered, most narcissistic generation the country's ever produced," saysBannon in a 2011 interview.
He takes on this issue in more detail inGeneration Zero, a 2010 documentary he wrote and directed. The film shows oneinterviewee after another laying out how the "capitalist system" was slowlyundermined and destroyed by a generation of wealthy young kids who had theirmaterial needs taken care of by hardworking parents—whose values were shaped bythe hardship of the Great Depression and World War II—only to cast off theAmerican values that had created that wealth in the first place. This shiftgave rise to socialist policies that encouraged dependency on the government,weakening capitalism.
Eventually, this socialist vision succeededin infiltrating the very highest levels of institutional power in America. "Bythe late 1990s, the left had taken over many of the institutions of power,meaning government, media, and academe," says Peter Schweizer, a writeraffiliated with Bannon's Government Accountability Institute, a conservativethink tank, in Generation Zero. "And it was from these places and positions ofpower that they were able to disrupt the system and implement a strategy thatwas designed to ultimately undermine the capitalist system." (As he says"undermine the capitalist system," the film zooms in on the word "Lucifer" inthat now-infamous epigraph from Saul Alinsky.)
Underlying all of this is the philosophy ofEdmund Burke, an influential 18th-century Irish political thinker whom Bannonoccasionally references. In Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burkepresents his view that the basis of a successful society should not be abstractnotions like human rights, social justice, or equality. Rather, societies workbest when traditions that have been shown to work are passed from generation togeneration. The baby boomers, Bannon says in a lecture given to the LibertyRestoration Foundation (LRF), failed to live up to that Burkean responsibilityby abandoning the tried-and-true values of their parents (nationalism, modesty,patriarchy, religion) in favor of new abstractions (pluralism, sexuality,egalitarianism, secularism).
For both Burke and Bannon, failure to passthe torch results in social chaos.
The new liberal order
Once in power, the liberal, secular,global-minded elite overhauled the institutions of democracy and capitalism totighten its grip on power and the ability to enrich itself. The "party ofDavos," as Bannon long ago dubbed this clique, has warped capitalism'sinstitutions, depriving middle classes everywhere of the wealth they deserve.
This pattern of exploitation came to a headin the 2008 global financial and economic crisis. Wall Street—enabled by fellowglobal elites in government—spun profits out of speculation instead ofinvesting their wealth in domestic jobs and businesses. When the resultingbubble finally burst, the immoral government stuck hardworking Americantaxpayers with the bailout bill.
This is the kind of thing that led Bannonto say in that 2011 LRF lecture that there is "socialism for the very wealthy."The rest of the country, he says, is "practical middle-class people." There isalso "socialism for the very poor," he adds. "We've built a welfare state thatis completely and totally unsupportable, and now this is a crisis."
Bannon wants all of this liberal-sponsored"socialism" to end. He celebrates CNBC host Rick Santelli's famous 2009 tiradeabout "those who carry the water and those who drink the water," which sparkedwhat became the Tea Party, a populist movement focused on tax cuts, fiscalscrimping, and a narrow interpretation of constitutional rights. Channeling thespirit of the Tea Party, Bannon blames Republicans as much as Democrats fortaking part in cronyism and corruption at the expense of middle class families.
In short, in Bannonism, the crisis ofcapitalism has led to socialism and the suffering of the middle class. And ithas made it impossible for the current generation to bequeath a better futureto its successors, to fulfill its Burkean duty.
Judeo-Christian values
So what exactly are these traditions thatAmericans are meant to pass along to future generations? In addition to "crisisof capitalism," one of Bannon's favorite terms is "Judeo-Christian values."This is the second element of his theory of America.
Generation Zero, Bannon's 2010 documentary,has a lot to say about "American values," and a lot of this matches closely theideals of the Tea Party. But since 2013 or 2014, Bannon's casual emphasis onAmerican values has swelled to include a strong religious component. Thesuccessful functioning of America—and Western civilization in general—dependson capitalism, and capitalism depends on the presence of "Judeo-Christianvalues."
For Bannon, capitalism was not onlyresponsible for bringing the US out of the war successfully; it also broughtabout the restoration of Europe and the Pax Americana that followed, heexplains in his 2014 speech to the Vatican conference. But capitalism alone isnot enough. Unmoored from a Judeo-Christian moral framework, capitalism can bea force of harm and injustice—exemplified by the US's economic decline.
To restore the health of America's economyand patch its shredded social fabric, Bannon wants capitalism to be re-anchoredby the Judeo-Christian values he believes made the country great throughout itshistory. This shared morality ensures that businesses invest not just for theirown benefit, but also for the good of native workers and future generations.
As in Burke's view, human rights and civilsociety do not come from anything abstract, but from tradition. For Bannon,this tradition is God; nation-states that establish people as the arbiters oftruth and justice will ultimately give way to tyranny. The "ultimate check on the power of the state is God's teaching," saysDuck Dynasty's Phil Robertson in Torchbearer, the 2016 documentary that Bannonco-wrote, directed and produced. The film is full of Robertson offering similaraphorisms about how society falls apart without a religious foundation.
It's important to note that"Judeo-Christian values" does not necessarily seem to require that all citizensbelieve in Christianity. Bannon doesn't appear to want to undo the separationof church and state or freedom of religion enshrined in America's constitution.After all, both of these are traditions that have led America to success in thepast. What he believes is that the founding fathers built the nation based on aset of values that come from the Judeo-Christian tradition.
In order to make sure the whole country ison board with these values, it must limit or halt the influx of people who donot share them by rallying around nationalism. And it is through this finalingredient—the primacy of the nation-state's values and traditions—that Americacan drive a stake through the heart of the global, secular "establishment."
In addition to enriching themselves andencouraging dependency among the poor, global elites also encourage immigrantsto flood the US and drag down wages. Immigrant labor boosts the corporateprofits of globalists and their cronies, who leave it to middle-class nativesto educate, feed, and care for these foreigners. The atheistic, pluralistsocial order that has been allowed to flourish recoils at nationalism and patriotism,viewing them as intolerant and bigoted. Without the moral compass of ourforefathers, the system is so adrift in relativism that it champions the"rights" of police-hating deadbeats, criminal aliens, and potential terroristsover ordinary Americans, turning cities into hotbeds of violence andundermining national security. As one interviewee declares in Border War: TheBattle over Illegal Immigration, another of Bannon's documentaries, "The rightsees [undocumented immigrants] as cheap labor, the left sees this as cheapvotes."
Theideologist. (AP/Gerald Herbert)
Mired in near-zero growth and financialchaos, the European Union epitomizes the catastrophic fate of a globalistsystem governed by elites who are not accountable to the citizens that electedthem.
"[P]eople, particularly in certaincountries, want to see the sovereignty for their country, they want to seenationalism for their country," Bannon says in the Vatican speech. "They don'tbelieve in this kind of pan-European Union or they don't believe in thecentralized government in the United States."
Nationalism, then, is the mechanism throughwhich Judeo-Christian traditions and values become part of society. That'sbecause nationalism is fully inclusive, in the sense that it invites people ofdifferent backgrounds to unite under a common "American" sense of self. Itdissolves minority identities—leading to the emphasis on "colorblindness" of"all lives matter" and opposition to affirmative action. This shared set ofJudeo-Christian, nationalist values prevents minorities from claiming specialrights. For instance, Generation Zero blames the 2007 housing collapse on"black victimization" that undermined capitalism and encouraged dependency onthe government. At the same time, Torchbearer celebrates Dr. Martin Luther KingJr. as a paragon of traditional American morality because his view of humanrights was based in Christianity.
The liberal elite's pervasive emphasis onpluralism and minority rights—and its financial and political support of thesegroups—constrains shared American-ness. This erosion of Judeo-Christiannationalism weakens the country. Again, this applies not just to America, butalso to other Western countries. As Bannon declares at a 2016 South CarolinaTea Party convention, the "swells, the investment bankers, the guys from theEU" are the "same guys who have allowed the complete collapse of theJudeo-Christian West in Europe."
People who do not sign off on this set ofshared values should not be welcome in the US. This logic forms the basis ofBannon's opposition to immigrants, whose lack of democratic "DNA," he believes,will harm society.
"These are not Jeffersonian democrats,"Bannon said last year, referring to immigrants heading from Muslim majoritycountries to Europe, USA Today reported. "These are not people with thousandsof years of democracy in their DNA coming up here." That rationale mightjustify closing the borders to immigrants from Latin America, even though theyare usually devout Catholics.
A theory of generations
The crisis of capitalism and theundermining of the Judeo-Christian West that Bannon proclaims in his Vatican lectureis not an isolated event. It is, in his view, one of a repeated cycle of crisesthat occurs periodically, each of which inevitably culminates in war andconflict on a grand scale.
"This is the fourth great crisis inAmerican history," he says in the speech to the LRF. "We had the revolution, wehad the Civil War, we had the Great Depression and World War II. This is thegreat Fourth Turning in American history."
What he is getting at here is based on thework of Neil Howe and William Strauss, two amateur historians who in the 1990spresented a "generational theory" of American history. The theory viewsAmerican history through the lens of repeated cycles lasting roughly 80 years,about the length of a single lifetime. Within each 80-year cycle, say Howe andStrauss, are four "turnings"—periods of around 20 years that are characterizedby a particular mood. These four moods are the "high," "awakening,""unraveling," and, finally, "crisis."
The theory is too vague to be proven wrong,and has not been taken seriously by most professional historians. But it issuperficially compelling, and plots out to some degree how America's historyhas unfolded since its founding.
It's also clear how the generational theoryfits with Bannon's view that the slow erosion of Judeo-Christian values hasbeen bad for the country. The most recent cycle, according to Howe and Strauss,went from the "high" of the postwar era—a time of which Bannon is particularlyfond—to an "awakening" of activism in the '60s, followed by an "unraveling" ofinstitutions and shared values thanks to the individualism brought on by thepreceding "awakening." That brings us to the current crisis, the great "FourthTurning," following the American Revolution, Civil War, and the GreatDepression/World War II.
How to solve the crisis:Large-scale conflict
"Turnings" feature very heavily inGeneration Zero. "Turnings are like the seasons—every turning is necessary,"says historian David Kaiser in the documentary, over stock footage of clocksticking, suns rising, and butterflies emerging. "Cities are founded, citiescollapse. States rise, states fall," he continues.
What exactly is the current crisis?Bannon's view on it has evolved. In 2010, he appears to have regarded it as theresult of the debt racked up in the 2000s and the 2008 financial crisis.
当前的危机到底是什么? 2010年,他似乎将其视为本世纪头十年积累的债务和2008年金融危机的结果。但班农的看法是不断演化的。
"This accumulated debt at all levels of oursociety poses an immediate existential threat to America," he says in a 2010speech in New York City. "Now unlike the manufactured crises of global warmingand healthcare, this is a true crisis. This crisis threatens the verysovereignty of our country."
And in the 2011 LRF lecture, when Bannondeclares the US faces the "fourth great crisis in American history," he stillseems to suggest that it consists largely of the global financial crisis thatbegan in 2008.
But there's more to it than that. Comparingthe current crisis to events like the Revolutionary War and World War II,Bannon appears to believe that the US is heading inevitably toward violentconflict. This interpretation is backed up by other statements from and aboutBannon. David Kaiser, the historian interviewed in Generation Zero and also aproponent of the Strauss-Howe theory, recently recounted his conversation withBannon, including Bannon's militaristic interpretation of the theory, in Time:
A second, Bannon had clearly thought a longtime both about the domestic potential and the foreign policy implications ofStrauss and Howe. More than once during our interview, he pointed out that eachof the three preceding crises had involved a great war, and those conflicts hadincreased in scope from the American Revolution through the Civil War to theSecond World War. He expected a new and even bigger war as part of the currentcrisis, and he did not seem at all fazed by the prospect.
Let's follow the logic of this generationaltheory for a second: If a "high" only comes after a "crisis," and if a "crisis"must necessarily be an increasingly large-scale war, Bannon is left searchingfor a major, existence-level enemy. Does the "Party of Davos" alone qualify?Who else could this war be fought against?
In the 2014 Vatican lecture, Bannon goesfurther. "I think we are in a crisis of the underpinnings of capitalism, and ontop of that we're now, I believe, at the beginning stages of a global waragainst Islamic fascism," he says. Bannon adds: "Thismay be a little more militant than others…I believe you should take a very,very, very aggressive stance against radical Islam…. See what's happening, andyou will see we're in a war of immense proportions."
Bannon's "global war againstIslamic fascism"
The fourth great civilizational showdown—a"global existential war," as Bannon describes it in July 2016—pits the"Judeo-Christian West" against "Islamic fascism"—especially ISIL. But thethreat isn't necessarily limited to ISIL.
Bannon's remarks and his affiliations withanti-Muslim activists like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer leave theimpression that the enemy might well be Islam in general. As Breitbart notes in2014, the "erudite Bannon" entertains the argument that Islam's "war" againstChristianity "originated almost from [Islam's] inception." He endorses the viewthat, in the lead-up to World War II, Islam was a "much darker" force facingEurope than fascism. Other ideas he has supported include: a US nonprofitfocused on promoting a favorable image of Muslims is a terrorist front; theIslamic Society of Boston mosque was behind the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing;and Muslim-Americans are trying to supplant the US constitution with Shariahlaw.
Because Islam is rooted in anti-Christianviolence, goes the logic, the only way to ensure that Muslims in America don'tpose a terrorist threat is to make sure they honor the US constitution as therule of law and accept Judeo-Christian values.
"Darkness,Darth Vader, and Dick Cheney"
There are a few loose ends in Bannon'sthinking—comments that seem consequential, but are vague or don't fit clearlyinto any bigger vision.
Consider, for example, his statement that"darkness is good," which he told Michael Wolff of Hollywood Reporter. "DickCheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power," he continued. Or the statement,reported by the Daily Beast, that Bannon views himself as a "Leninist" whowants to "bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today'sestablishment."
The constant repetition of the phrase"Judeo-Christian values" should convince us that Bannon does not worship Satan."Darkness is good" appears to suggest that the perception of being dark isgood. The quote continues, "It only helps us when [liberals and the media] getit wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing." Thus if theperception of him as a Darth Vader-like figure makes it easier for him tocreate his enlightened capitalist utopia, so be it.
As for the Leninist remark, it seems prettyconsistent with what we know of Bannon thus far: The conservative Burke himselfthought that throwing out leaders was justified when "necessary" to restore theold values.
Then again, this delight in being a "dark"oppositional force pairs nicely with his ferocious hatred of the"establishment." In particular, Bannon's diatribes against the media brim withspite toward journalists' arrogance, superiority, and naivety.
On Breitbart radio in early November, he praisedthe "insight and savvy" of its callers and website commenters, while rantingabout a "smug, smirking" New York Times reporter who suggested that Trump rallyattendees in Mississippi didn't know who Nigel Farage, a right-wing populistleader in the UK, was. "120% of the people" at the rally knew of Farage, who is"kind of a cult hero in this global populist movement," said Bannon. Morerecently, he told the New York Times (paywall) that the media "should beembarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile." He added: "I want you to quote this. The media here is the oppositionparty. They don't understand this country. They still do not understand whyDonald Trump is the president of the United States."
Some of his hatred of the elite seemsrooted in his experiences living and working among the elite. He frequentlyreferences his Harvard and Goldman Sachs pedigrees. However, when he describeshis time as an elite, it's as an "outsider"—a term he used in the early days todescribe the populist movement he represented—passing among the privileged anddeciphering their nefariousness for ordinary middle-class Americans. Forexample, in his 2014 Vatican speech, he says: I could see this when I worked atGoldman Sachs — there are people in New York that feel closer to people inLondon and in Berlin than they do to people in Kansas and in Colorado, and theyhave more of this elite mentality that they're going to dictate to everybodyhow the world's going to be run. I will tell you that the working men and womenof Europe and Asia and the United States and Latin America don't believe that.They believe they know what's best for how they will comport their lives.
But this cosmic avenger role Bannon seemsto claim as voice-giver to the "forgotten" middle-classes hints at a deeperrelish of conflict. A fascination with warfare and violence emerges in, forinstance, his frequent allusion to the glory of the amphibious invasion atNormandy, or his taking the time out of his duties as Breitbart's CEO to pen anobituary for Vo Nguyen Giap, a Vietnamese general who led a war forindependence that Bannon described as "one of the bloodiest and hardest foughtby all combatants." In particular, the aesthetic of his documentaries can benauseatingly violent. (There are at least six separate shots of fallingguillotines, as well as lingering footage of nuclear radiation victims, massburials from Nazi gas chambers, and various ISIL atrocities.)
但扮演着宇宙复仇者的角色的班农似乎声称是"被遗忘的"中产阶级的代言人,这暗示着一种更深层次的冲突。例如,对战争和暴力的迷恋在他经常提到的诺曼底登陆的荣耀中显现出来, 或者是他从布赖特巴特的首席执行官的职务中抽出时间,为越南将军Vo Nguyen Giap撰写讣告,他领导了一场独立战争,班农将其描述为"所有战斗中最血腥和最艰难的战斗之一"。特别地,他的纪录片美学是一种令人作呕的暴力。(至少有六张断头台坠落的照片,还有残留的核辐射受害者画面,纳粹毒气室的大规模埋葬,以及伊斯兰国的各种暴行。)
What all this means for theTrump presidency
Even before he took charge of Trump'scampaign, in Aug. 2016, Bannon's philosophies pervaded its rhetoric. If therewas any question about the role his views would play in the Trumpadministration, the last two weeks have made it clear: The president'sleadership hangs from the scaffolding of Bannon's worldview.
Trump's inaugural address was basically atelepromptered Bannon rant. Where inaugural speeches typically crackle withforward-looking optimism, Trump's was freighted with anti-elite resentment. Hedescribed a Bannonistic vision in which the "wealth of our middle class hasbeen ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world." The"forgotten men and women of our country."
特朗普的就职演说基本上是班农式的。一般的就职演说总是带着高瞻远瞩的乐观精神,而特朗普的就职演说却充满了反精英的愤恨。他描述了一种老生常谈的观点:"我们中产阶级的财富被自己的同胞夺走,然后在世界各地重新分配。" "我们国家被遗忘的男人和女人"。
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannonlistens at right as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting on cybersecurity in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan.31, 2017.
Commander-in-chief and Chief Strategist
Trump heaped blame on the "establishment,"which "protected itself" but not American citizens from financial ruin. "Andwhile they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebratefor struggling families all across our land," Trump continued. "We've madeother countries rich, while the wealth, strength and confidence of our countryhas dissipated over the horizon."
"America first" is Bannon's economicnationalism in slogan form. Trump's vow to "unite the civilized world againstradical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth"was a mellowed-out version of the West's battle against "Islamic fascists."
There's more. Trump's remarks that the "Bibletells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity,"that "most importantly, we will be protected by God," and that children fromboth Detroit and Nebraska are "infused with the breath of life by the samealmighty creator".
Within days of the inauguration came thedizzying spurt of executive actions—written by Bannon and Stephen Miller, aWhite House policy advisor—many of which contained "extravagant claims notusually found in executive orders," says Andrew Rudalevige, governmentprofessor at Bowdoin College.
Bannon's philosophy toward Islam seemslikely to have influenced the order, "Protecting the Nation from ForeignTerrorist Entry into the United States." Recalling that line about howimmigrants are not "Jeffersonian democrats," the document prescribes ensuringthe allegiance to America's "founding principles" and the US constitution ofanyone admitted to the country, including tourists. Trump also implied in a TVinterview with the Christian Broadcast Network that he wanted to prioritizeChristians refugees over Muslims, accusing the US government of favoring Muslimrefugees over Christians in the past (a claim for which there's no evidence).Some argue (fairly convincingly) that Trump's ban risks lending credence toISIL recruitment propaganda claiming that the US is leading the West in a waron all of Islam.
Another of the new administration'sfocuses—the danger posed by Mexicans flooding over the border—is also a centraltheme of Bannon's vision of America. Trump's executive action declares that"many" unauthorized immigrants "present a significant threat to nationalsecurity and public safety," though criminology and immigration experts saymost evidence suggests immigrants in general commit crimes at a lower rate thannative-born citizens. "Sanctuary" cities—those that voluntarily cooperate withimmigration enforcement only on deporting unauthorized immigrants convicted ofviolent or serious crimes—are also critiqued in Bannonist terms: They have"caused immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of ourRepublic." In other words, they do not share America's values.
Finally, Trump's withdrawal of the US fromthe Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multilateral trade deal supported by whatwould count as the "elite," includes a special shout-out to "the Americanworker," the classic Bannon theme.
最后,特朗普将美国从《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)中撤出,这是一项多边贸易协定,得到了所谓"精英"的支持。
Bannonism begins?
Bannon savors the power of symbolism. Thatsymbolic power infused Trump's campaign, and now, apparently, hisadministration's rhetoric. After all, as Andrew Breitbart made clear when hefamously dubbed him the "Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party," Bannon is a masterpropagandist. He's also a master opportunist, going by his fitful shifts incareer. So it's possible that the narrative flowing through Trump's inauguraladdress and executive actions is simply what Bannon has calibrated over time torouse maximum populist fervor—and that it doesn't reflect plans to upendAmerica.
There's also, however, the possibility thatBannon is steering Trump toward the "enlightened capitalist," Judeo-Christian,nationalistic vision that he has come to believe America needs.
Which it is, we can't know, of course: OnlyBannon knows what Bannon really wants. What we do know for sure, though, isthat a man who has staked out a deep desire for a violent resurgence of"Western civilization" now has the power to fulfill it.
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