

  • 本文译自《国家评论》(6月27日)
  • 英文标题:Justice Kennedy Retires, and the Legal and Political Ramifications Are Immense
  • 作者大卫·弗兰奇(David French),《国家评论》资深撰稿人
  • 本文由 万吉庆 译,译文约2000字
  • 英文原文见文末


今天下午早些时候,大法官安东尼·肯尼迪(Anthony Kennedy)宣布退休。最高法院的观察家一直认为,肯尼迪可能在完成本届任期后辞职,但现在消息已经得到证实。这一刻已经到来。在第一届任期的前两年,特朗普总统将要任命的最高法官人数,和克林顿、小布什、奥巴马在八年的任期内任命的人数相同。这意味着,不论特朗普后续的任期状况如何——不论是因丑闻而缩减任期,还是完整干完两届任期——他将在最高法院留下不可磨灭的印记。特朗普将会留下持久的司法遗产。


"肯尼迪法官的退休是自由派的灾难。堕胎机会、同性婚姻、投票权(voting rights,注:不知具体指代哪种投票权)、环境条例——它们现在仍处在危险状态。这对左派而言不啻于一场危机。"

如果特朗普坚定履行承诺,从去年11月拟定的法官清单中遴选下一位大法官,那么,最高法院很大程度上将被五位原旨主义法官主导,而两位最年长的法官都是进步主义者。金斯伯格法官现在85岁,布雷耶法官今年8月将迎来80岁寿辰。很久没有这么一位总统,能有机会对最高法院的司法哲学施加如此明显、如此决定性的影响。同时,这意味着原旨主义者很可能有一个重整我们法律体系的黄金机会,以使其更符合宪法的言语和含义。认为罗诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)会被推翻也许言过其实,但我们可以很容易地想象到,最高法院将授予州政府更大的自主权以监管堕胎场所。我们也能想象到对言论自由、宗教自由的保护将更为有力,对持有、携带武器的权利的保护将更加完善,与违宪的行政国家的斗争将取得重要进展。


其次,让我们看一下政治后果。在中期选举即将来临之际,共和党极度担心届时会出现席位上的"鸿沟"(intensity gap)。民主党选民正厉兵秣马,准备扶持民主党上位。然而,共和党选民——尽管力挺特朗普总统——对共和党却缺乏同样的激情。特别选举(Special elections)在强烈的民主气氛下摇摆不定,尽管普通选民对两党的支持率日益接近,但大多数观察家认为共和党难以让自己的选民投票。我想说,这些担忧在今天有所缓解。




—— 保守主义评论


Justice Kennedy Retires, and the Legal and Political Ramifications Are Immense

Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy speaks during a swearing in ceremony for Judge Neil Gorsuch as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden of the White House, April 10, 2017. (Carlos Barria/File Photo/Reuters)
Earlier this afternoon, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement. Court observers long thought it was possible that he'd step down after this most recent term, but now it's confirmed. The moment has arrived. In the first two years of his first term, President Trump is set to nominate just as many Supreme Court justices as Clinton, Bush, and Obama nominated in all eight years of their presidencies. That means that no matter what happens the rest of his presidency — whether it's cut short by scandal or it extends to two full terms — he'll make an indelible mark on the Court. Trump will have an enduring judicial legacy.
In fact, the consequences of Kennedy's retirement — both legal and political — are immense. First, let's look at the legal angle. While Kennedy's judicial liberalism was often exaggerated (for example, he wrote or joined a number of solid opinions that protected and reaffirmed core constitutional liberties, including liberties protected by the First and Second Amendments), it's a simple fact that as a "moderate" swing justice he served as the primary judicial guardian of abortion rights and was more responsible than any other justice for the relentless legal march of the sexual revolution. This tweet, from Slate's Mark Joseph Stern, sums up the feeling on the left half of Twitter right now:

And that brings us to politics. Heading into the midterms, Republicans were desperately worried about an "intensity gap." Democratic voters seem prepared to turn out in huge numbers. Republicans — while holding firm in their support for President Trump — lacked the same excitement. Special elections were swinging strongly Democratic, and even though the generic preference numbers were trending closer, most observers thought Republicans would struggle to get their voters to the polls. I'd say those concerns are eased a bit today.
After all, for an immense number of base GOP voters, judges aren't just an issue. They're the issue that drives them to the polls. Republicans are all over the place on immigration policy, trade policy, and foreign policy. Divisions in the party are deep and real. Those divisions disappear when judges are on the line. We can debate all we want about Russian influence on the 2016 election (or about the effect of the Comey letter), but one thing is certain — if Evangelicals and other conservatives weren't afraid of the impact of a progressive Supreme Court on their fundamental liberties, Donald Trump doesn't win. A new Supreme Court pick will galvanize the entire base for months.
And let's not forget that this pick is landing in the middle of one of the most toxic political environments in generations. Progressives believe that Justice Gorsuch sits in a "stolen" seat. Many of them see Trump as an illegitimate president — for reasons that range from Russian interference to disgust at his popular-vote loss — and find it unbearable that he could not just win the presidency but also select the man who could swing the Supreme Court. Expect increasing rage. Expect more personal confrontations of senators and Trump officials. Expect the political environment to get even more toxic, perhaps dangerously so.
Finally, a word of caution to gleeful conservatives. We've been here before. We've had opportunities to remake the Court. President Reagan and the first President Bush together appointed a majority of the Supreme Court. Yet Roe endured, and the Court even moved left on key issues. Presidents don't nominate robots. They nominate people who possess their own will. It will be imperative that conservatives closely evaluate Trump's potential picks, but that person — no matter his or her record — will not only possess immense power, they'll face immense pressure. May he or she possess not just the right philosophy, but also the necessary character to do all the job requires.
So much for a quiet summer. The next weeks and months may well define the Supreme Court for a generation — and help decide who controls Congress. Buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.


