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诺贝尔和平奖获得者刘晓波 |
一向关注中国人权的美国众议员领袖佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)﹑共和党议员沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)等13位国会议员,周四(29日)致函首府华盛顿市长葛瑞(Vincent Gray)及其议会,将位处西北区的中国驻华盛顿大使馆前的一段街道,改名为"刘晓波街",以纪念因"颠覆国家政权罪"被判刑11年的刘晓波,有关举动将可重新唤起国际关注中国违反人权的情况。
此外,刘晓波以及新公民运动发起人之一、维权法律学者许志永获美国非政府组织"国家民主基金会"颁发本年度"民主奖",颁奖典礼周四(29日)晚在国会山庄擧行。代刘晓波领奖的是佩洛西,刘晓波的妻舅刘彤及侄子刘子榆亦有出席典礼。而代替许志永领奖的是许志永的朋友、独立制片人华泽。美国国家民主基金会主席马丁.弗罗斯特(Martin Frost)称,表彰刘晓波和许志永,也是为了纪念25年前的天安门事件。
而主管民主、人权和劳工事务的美国国务院助理国务卿马连洛斯基(Tom Malinowski)在颁奖礼上呼吁中国当局释放在囚的异议人士,并应对25年前发生的一切做出尽可能全面的陈述。
一向关注中国人权的美国众议员领袖佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)﹑共和党议员沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)等13位国会议员,周四(29日)致函首府华盛顿市长葛瑞(Vincent Gray)及其议会,将位处西北区的中国驻华盛顿大使馆前的一段街道,改名为"刘晓波街",以纪念因"颠覆国家政权罪"被判刑11年的刘晓波,有关举动将可重新唤起国际关注中国违反人权的情况。
此外,刘晓波以及新公民运动发起人之一、维权法律学者许志永获美国非政府组织"国家民主基金会"颁发本年度"民主奖",颁奖典礼周四(29日)晚在国会山庄擧行。代刘晓波领奖的是佩洛西,刘晓波的妻舅刘彤及侄子刘子榆亦有出席典礼。而代替许志永领奖的是许志永的朋友、独立制片人华泽。美国国家民主基金会主席马丁.弗罗斯特(Martin Frost)称,表彰刘晓波和许志永,也是为了纪念25年前的天安门事件。
而主管民主、人权和劳工事务的美国国务院助理国务卿马连洛斯基(Tom Malinowski)在颁奖礼上呼吁中国当局释放在囚的异议人士,并应对25年前发生的一切做出尽可能全面的陈述。
更新时间 2014年5月30日, 格林尼治标准时间10:06
U.S. Politicians Want to Name a Street After Liu Xiaobo, China Not Pleased
- A man walked in front of a poster of Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo in Oslo in 2010.
- Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
You say commemorative, I say provocative.
That was the message Friday that came from China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Qin Gang in response to a proposal by U.S. House of Representatives members to rename part of a Washington D.C. street – where the Chinese Embassy sits — in honor of jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
According to the Washington Post, a bipartisan group of 13 House members including Republican Frank Wolf and Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wrote a letter petitioning Washington Mayor Vincent Gray to rename the street in honor of the Chinese dissident. Mr. Liu won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 and is currently the only jailed winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
The backers of the move in Washington said that the act would draw "renewed international attention to Chinese human rights violations" ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Responding to a question about the proposal Friday during a routine press briefing, Mr. Gang called the move provocative. "Liu Xiaobo is a man who has violated Chinese laws, he has been convicted in accordance with the law," he said.
The move isn't without precedent: During the 1980s, the U.S. changed the name of the street in front of the Soviet Union embassy in Washington to Andrei Sakharov Plaza in protest of the treatment of Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov.
Relations between the U.S. and China have been particularly fraught after the U.S. earlier this month indicted five People's Liberation Army officers it said were responsible for cyberattacks against U.S. corporations.
Nonetheless, relations are by no means as bad as things were between the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the 1980s.
Still, naming a street after Mr. Liu would be certain to anger Chinese leaders, who know how to wield propaganda. Indeed, if the Chinese wanted to escalate and get Americans' goat, they could easily rename the street that runs by the U.S. embassy in Beijing after Edward Snowden.
Already a real road in London, Snowden Street does have more of a ring to it than Liu Xiaobo Plaza.
– Paul Mozur. Follow him on Twitter @paulmozur