1150 Connecticut Ave., NW #900, DC 20036 (9楼)
陈钊(香港民主中国促进会秘书长, 中国社会民主党秘书长):《回顾香港文革,反思今日中国》
Gary Nong: 《文革对于60后一代人的影响》
联络研讨会主持人:魏京生基金会执行主任黄慈萍 1-202-270-6980 HCP@WeiJingSheng.org
Program for the Roundtable Presentation and Discussion: Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution -- Hosted by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation
Location: 1150 Connecticut Ave., NW # 900, Washington, DC 20036, USA (on the 9th floor)
Time: from 10 AM on May 13, 2016 (Friday) to 5 FM on May 14, 2016 (Saturday)
May 13, 2016 (Friday)
10:00 AM: Opening Remarks
Moment of silence for the victims who were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution and under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party
Presentation and discussion:
Wei Jingsheng:
"Observing the fiftieth anniversary of the Cultural Revolution - the Lesson for the Century"
Yu Luowen (brother of Yu Luoke, the most well-known martyr in the Cultural Revolution):
"The myth of Mao Zedong and democracy during the Cultural Revolution"
Professor Xia Yeliang (Economist and visiting fellow at the Cato Institute):
"The disaster of the Cultural Revolution and inertia of people's thinking"
Lama Kyab Gazan (Former Teacher at Qinghai Law School, and law consultant for RFA Tibetan Service):
"Tibet and the Cultural Revolution"
Group Photo
12:30 to 14:00: Lunch
14:00 to 18:00: presentation and discussion
Zheng Yi (writer):
"Memories of the mass organizations during the Cultural Revolution."
Dr. Chen Kuide (Executive Director Of Princeton China Initiative):
"The liberal thoughts during the Cultural Revolution"
Zhu Xiaoming (witness of the Cultural Revolution and a senior editor for a US media):
"One cannot stop the Cultural Revolution without terminating Communist tyranny"
Chen Zhao (Convenor of China Democratic Socialist Party and Convenor of Hong Kong federation For A Democratic China):
"Recalling the Cultural Revolution in Hong Kong, reflecting on China Today"
Lawyer Ye Ning:
"Rebel or not? The only one exception of Mao Zedong, who made a lifetime crime to the Chinese nation
-- My understanding of the Cultural Revolution as a current counter-revolutionary and a son of a historical counter-revolutionary."
19:00: Dinner
(For these attendees who would like to join our dinner, please contact Huang Ciping so we have a current head count)
May 14, 2016 (Saturday)
10:00 to 13:00: presentations and discussion
Dr. Wang Jiudan:
"Cultural Revolution and property rights"
Gary Gong:
"The influence of the Cultural Revolution for the 1960's generation"
Huang Ciping:
"The impact of the Cultural Revolution on my family and on my life
-- a personal representation of the tragedy of the generations of Chinese people who were persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime"
Group discussion Session
13:00 to 14:00: Lunch
14:00 to 17:00: Group discussion session
17:00: Closing Remarks
Moderator of the roundtable: Huang Ciping, Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation (phone: 1-202-270-6980)
(a parking garage is right under the office building for about $15/day; there is also street meter parking available on Saturday)
Location: 1150 Connecticut Ave., NW # 900, Washington, DC 20036, USA (on the 9th floor)
Time: from 10 AM on May 13, 2016 (Friday) to 5 FM on May 14, 2016 (Saturday)
May 13, 2016 (Friday)
10:00 AM: Opening Remarks
Moment of silence for the victims who were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution and under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party
Presentation and discussion:
Wei Jingsheng:
"Observing the fiftieth anniversary of the Cultural Revolution - the Lesson for the Century"
Yu Luowen (brother of Yu Luoke, the most well-known martyr in the Cultural Revolution):
"The myth of Mao Zedong and democracy during the Cultural Revolution"
Professor Xia Yeliang (Economist and visiting fellow at the Cato Institute):
"The disaster of the Cultural Revolution and inertia of people's thinking"
Lama Kyab Gazan (Former Teacher at Qinghai Law School, and law consultant for RFA Tibetan Service):
"Tibet and the Cultural Revolution"
Group Photo
12:30 to 14:00: Lunch
14:00 to 18:00: presentation and discussion
Zheng Yi (writer):
"Memories of the mass organizations during the Cultural Revolution."
Dr. Chen Kuide (Executive Director Of Princeton China Initiative):
"The liberal thoughts during the Cultural Revolution"
Zhu Xiaoming (witness of the Cultural Revolution and a senior editor for a US media):
"One cannot stop the Cultural Revolution without terminating Communist tyranny"
Chen Zhao (Convenor of China Democratic Socialist Party and Convenor of Hong Kong federation For A Democratic China):
"Recalling the Cultural Revolution in Hong Kong, reflecting on China Today"
Lawyer Ye Ning:
"Rebel or not? The only one exception of Mao Zedong, who made a lifetime crime to the Chinese nation
-- My understanding of the Cultural Revolution as a current counter-revolutionary and a son of a historical counter-revolutionary."
19:00: Dinner
(For these attendees who would like to join our dinner, please contact Huang Ciping so we have a current head count)
May 14, 2016 (Saturday)
10:00 to 13:00: presentations and discussion
Dr. Wang Jiudan:
"Cultural Revolution and property rights"
Gary Gong:
"The influence of the Cultural Revolution for the 1960's generation"
Huang Ciping:
"The impact of the Cultural Revolution on my family and on my life
-- a personal representation of the tragedy of the generations of Chinese people who were persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime"
Group discussion Session
13:00 to 14:00: Lunch
14:00 to 17:00: Group discussion session
17:00: Closing Remarks
Moderator of the roundtable: Huang Ciping, Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation (phone: 1-202-270-6980)
(a parking garage is right under the office building for about $15/day; there is also street meter parking available on Saturday)