

盛雪:我们共同引领变革(附会议中英文声明 / Together we lead the change)






e,  加拿大劳工部部长兼妇女地位部部长凯莉.利奇女士。

f,  加拿大自由党国会议员,前司法部长欧文.考特勒先生。

g,  从左至右:加拿大执政保守党国会议员布莱德.巴特先生、加拿大劳工部长兼任妇女地位部长凯莉.利奇女士、论坛委员,民阵主席盛雪女士、自由国际总裁马吉德萨菲先生,前欧盟议议员林德布莱德先生、加拿大前参议员迪尼诺先生。

h,  从左至右:加拿大前自由党国会议员,亚太国务部长大卫.乔高和夫人劳丽、加拿大中国人权网络联盟主席麦克.克里格、达赖喇嘛尊者前驻尼泊尔代表。


j,  会场一角。




「我們共同引領變革(Together We Lead the Change)」是1019日到21日在多倫多召開的的「第六屆全球支持中國和亞洲民主化大會」的主題。


928日,加拿大聯邦政府確認當天為北韓人權日。我應邀在“北韓國際人權研討會”上演講。主辦者加拿大北韓人權協會主席李必京給我的命題就是「Together We Lead the Change」(我們共同引領變革)。他說:我們討論亞洲的人權和民主,這是最好的題目。



那天我的演講環節的主持人是金傑克,一位獲得了政治學、經濟學和法學學位的韓裔年輕人。我的與談人包括Josef Cermak先生,  捷克裔律師,他也是加拿大捷克社區最活躍的人權倡導者之一,包括推動在加拿大首都渥太華設立共產主義受難者紀念碑;貢噶才仁(Kunga Tsering)先生,  前任加拿大安省西藏協會主席,前西藏流亡議會議員;Joana Kuras女士,一位大學老師。






這屆大會獲得許多道義支持,除了民主中國陣線作為協辦組織之外,陳奎德博士主持的“普林斯頓中國學社”、楊建利博士發起的“公民力量”、加拿大十一個與中國人權問題有關的組織的活動平台“中國人權網絡聯盟”、“加拿大藏人安省協會”、“加拿大維吾爾協會”、“自由國際”、“歐洲反思與良知平台”以及“加拿大北韓人權協會”等組織及機構參與協辦。會議也獲得加拿大社會各界包括政界的支持。加拿大社會發展及就業部部長,兼多元文化部長傑森.肯尼(Jason Kenney)是中國人權民主事業的長期而堅定的支持者,他當面向我表示,一定到會演講。加拿大聯邦執政保守黨國會議員马克·艾德勒(Mark Edler)出席會議安排的感恩節特別節目,向來自世界各地的與會者介紹绍加拿大政治和文化传统。 他於今年64日,在六四24週年紀念日當天,在加拿大國會發表了譴責中共,紀念死難者的聲明。加拿大聯邦保守黨國會議員布拉德·巴特(Brad Butt) 和加拿大聯邦國會正式反對黨-新民主黨國會議員、加拿大國會人權委員會副主席韋恩.馬斯頓(Wayne Marston),加拿大前司法部長、自由黨國會議員歐文.考特勒(Irwin Cotler)會在會議主題:“民主國家——亞洲民主化轉型的推動力”一節共同演講,主持人是自由國際(One Free World International)的創始人、總裁馬吉德.薩菲(Rev Majed EL Shafie)。另外,前國會議員、亞太司司長大衛.喬高(David Kilgour),會在“擴張滲透:中共對民主社會的威脅”一節演講。 


中國大陸代表格外引人注目,因為他們會帶來中國社會及內部信息。蒙、維、藏各有約十名代表出席。香港社會危機越來越鮮明,也有越來越多的民眾清醒地認識到中共的所謂一國兩制的虛偽。香港的民運人權人士十多人匯聚多倫多大會。另外,於2001年出版《中國即將崩潰》一書,針對中國的輿論領域已經佔有一席重要地位的章家敦是整個會議的首位主講人。今年出版了《中國的無聲部隊》(China's Silent Army)的西班牙作家、記者胡安·巴勃罗·德纳尔(Cardenal Juan Pablo)也在百忙中擠出時間來講“擴張滲透:中共對民主社會的威脅 ”。






—— 2013,19-21 OCT于多伦多
















联络人:盛雪:1-416-568-0466 shengxue@gmail.com


A. Some participants

B. From the left: Canada's Liberal Party MP and former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the Hon. Judy Sgro; Tibetan MP, Mr. Norbu Tsering; Canada's New Democratic Party MP, Wayne Marston; Canada's Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for Multiculturalism, the Hon. Jason Kenney; FDC president, Ms Sheng Xue; former Japanese Senior Vice Minister, Makino Seishu; executive director of FDCA, Mr. Fei Liangyong.

C. Sheng Xue introduced two Chinese polical prisoners' children, Jiang Jiaji, the son of Li Bifeng, and Li Zhuyang, the daughter of Qin Yongmin, to the Minister the Hon. Jason Kenney.

D. Canada's Conservative Party MP, Mr. Brad Butt; President of One Free World, Majed Shafie; former MP of Sweden and EU, Göran Lindblad; former Canadian Senator Consiglio DiNino.

E. Canadian Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, the Hon. Kellie Leitch.

F. Canada's Liberal Party MP and former Minister of Justice, the Hon. Irwin Cotler.

G. From the left: Canadian Conservative Party's MP Mr. Brad Butt, Canadian Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women the Hon. Kellie Leitch, FDCA's commissioner and the president of FDC Ms. Sheng Xue, President of One Free World Mr. Majed Shafie, former EU MP Mr. Göran Lindblad, former Canadian Senator Mr. Consiglio DiNino.

H. From the left, former Deputy Speaker of the House of Common and the former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific the Hon. David Kilgour and wife Laure, President of Canada's China Rights Network Mr. Micheal Craig, former prepresentive of His Holyness the Dalai Lama to Nepal.

I. Some participants with the Hon. Irwin Cotler.

J. A scene of the conference

Together we lead the change
--Statement of the 6th International Conference on Global support for Democratization in China and Asia

Toronto October 19- 21, 2013

From October 19 to 21 the International Conference on Global support for Democratization in China and Asia held its 6th Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada, under the theme "Together we lead the change". Some 160 participants attended, coming from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe, Asia and North America, over 20 countries in total.

Participants condemned the violations of human rights in China and other Asian authoritarian states. We condemn the restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of assembly imposed by any authoritarian state. The support given by China to the Assad regime in Syria once again shows that the Chinese Communists are the main obstacle to the global progress of human rights.

The Conference noted that fundamental change in any social system must come from within, but the support the democratic free world is extremely important and essential. The Conference is grateful for the support for this meeting given by political leaders from Canada and other countries. We hope that democratic societies will give more support to the democratic transformation in China and Asia. Together, let us lead the change.  

Participants agreed that leading an era of change requires a clear direction, and action to promote change which rises above differences of "left" and "right", ethnic boundaries, uniting radicals and gradualists, revolution and reform, all boldly shouldering this historic responsibility. The present mission of the Chinese democratic movement is to bring a complete end to Chinese Communist authoritarian rule, promote democratic progress in Asia, and work for world peace and stable development.

Through vigorous discussion the conference reached the following consensus:

1. Today China has already become an oligarchic "Red Empire" of wealthy elite. The growing corruption and violence of the Chinese Communist elite, their frenzied acquisitiveness, forced expropriations and tearing down of homes, disregard for human life, have led to mass protests everywhere. The tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party has incited ethnic conflict and ever more severe environmental disasters. The contradictions in society have almost reached the breaking point. The refusal of the Chinese Communists to reform will throw China's whole society into a downward spiral of chaos and conflict leading to collapse.

2. Democracy is the fundamental way out for China. It is the precondition for building a just society guaranteeing human rights, implementing the rule of law, and healthy sustainable development of economic, cultural and ecological and environmental life. China has reached the point instability and transformation. The Chinese democratic movement must bring forth realistic practical policies to lead the change.

3. The Chinese communists are accelerating their external expansion and penetration. This is  realized through the use of external trade,  export of labour and products, acquisition of resources, and use of both soft and hard power to openly export their violations of human rights and repression of speech into democratic countries. At the same time, rising authoritarian China is inciting jingoistic nationalism, and using military threats to create tension, creating a serious threat to Asian and global security.

4. The communist regime is intensifying ethnic oppression. In Mongolian, Uyghur and Tibetan areas it is exercising harsh rule, wantonly using military force, and systematically destroying religious faith and national cultures. Its rapacious exploitation of natural resources is bringing irreversible environmental destruction to these areas. Policies of ethnic oppression are inciting widespread resistance, such as the shocking and tragic self-immolations of over 130 Tibetans.   The Chinese Communist's creation of ethnic hatred has already reached historically unprecedented levels.

The Chinese democratic movement is working to promote mutual understanding, empathy and forgiveness between ethnic groups, as well as working for democracy in China and Asia, so as to lay a foundation for future ethnic harmony and co-existence, and avoid ethnic conflicts and even war.

5. The conference demands that the Chinese communists immediately release all political and religious prisoners of conscience, including Mongolians, Uyghurs and Tibetans. China must respect the UN Convention on Refugees which it signed in 1982, and stop the forced return of North Korean refugees.

6. The conference expresses its support for the many protests in China for peoples' defence of their rights, and every constructive effort for change within the Chinese communist system itself. We strongly demand that those in power begin political reforms. In the event of the communist power elite continuing to reject democratic change, we call on the whole Chinese people to bring about rapid democratic transition through citizen's rights movement of all kinds. 

7. The conference especially notes that democratic forces must transcend the boundaries between internal and external forces, local actions to defend rights and the democratic movement, and actions inside and outside of the system. In the internet age, every field is a battlefield for the democratic revolution. We firmly believe that the Chinese democratic revolution cannot be blocked by any forces.

8. The conference is concerned about the penetration of Chinese communist influence into Taiwan, and expresses its support for the continued strengthening of Taiwan's democracy, and defending its democratic achievements. We also express our support for the Hong Kong people's "occupy Central" resistance movement for fair elections.

9.  The conference resolved that we (1) Support the construction of a Memorial to Victims of Communism in Ottawa near Parliament Hill, (2) Establish global internet platforms to carry out pro-democracy movements in China, and (3) Support the "Besiege the Communist Regime" activities for commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Tian An Men protest.  

The Chinese Democratic movement will unite with all forces resisting Chinese communist tyranny, including Mongolian, Uyghur, and Tibetan peoples; Asian countries and global democratic forces; together leading the change to bring a rapid end to Communist authoritarian rule.

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