


25th Tiananmen Massacre Memorial
June 4, 2014, Wednesday, 7:30 pm, memorial formally begins
Audio-visual prelude at 7:00 pm            
Science Center Lecture Hall C, Harvard University, Cambridge
Speaker: Dr Rowena Xiaoqing He ( Harvard University)
Student leader Wang Dan will address the audience.
Candle light vigil afterward; Offering of flowers at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument at 9:30pm

日期: 2014年6月4日(星期三)晚上七時半正式開始, 七時正影音回顧
地點: 哈佛大學科學中心 C 禮堂
演講:何曉清博士 (哈佛大學);  八九民運學生領袖王丹致辭
六四紀錄片放映, 燭光悼念, 晚上九時半波士頓華埠天安門紀念碑獻花
Organized by Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, and Long March Foundation

Candle Light Vigil

25th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre

4 June 2014 (Wednesday)

In commemoration of the June 4 Democracy Movement, a candle light vigil will be held on 4 June 2014 (Wednesday) in the Harvard University Science Center, Hall C (1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138).  The memorial will formally start at 7:30 pm. An audio-visual prelude will start at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Dr. Rowena Xiaoqing He, lecturer at Harvard University will be our speaker.  The Tiananmen Massacre is the subject of Dr. He’s research studies and the topic of her seminar class.

Wang Dan, student leader of the Tiananmen movement, will come a long way back to the Boston area to address the audience.

After the memorial at Harvard, we will be at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument at 9:30pm to offer flowers.

For inquiries, please contact the organizer of the vigil, Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, at +1(617)966-2575 or Che8888@aol.com. Mr. Chungchi Che


2014 年 6 月 4 日(星期三)

為悼念二十五年前犧牲生命、以及向八九民主運動期間失去家園的鬥士與難屬致敬,海外香港華人民主人權促進會將於 2014年 6 月 4 日(星期三),晚上七時半,假哈佛大學科學館C禮堂 (Harvard University, Science Center, Hall C, 1 Oxford St , Cambridge, MA 02138),舉行燭光晚會。影音回顧於晚上七時開始。

講者何曉清博士,  是哈佛大學講師, 專题研究和開課授教 ˹六四˼ 課程。



歡迎各界人士參加。查詢請電 +1(617)966-2575 或 Che8888@aol.com 謝中之先生。

2 条评论:

  1. 就王丹这种人渣也敢称领袖,中国六四运动根本就不是一场纯粹的非暴力民主运动。因为大凡世界各国的非暴力民主运动中遵循的一个重要原则就是,民主领袖有能力和责任为此次运动承担后果。而中国的六四却不是,冲在前线的都是不明真相、被利用的普通学生和民众,而学生领袖却逃的很快,出国的出国,经商的经商,过得比别人都好。

  2. 大家上网看看,王丹的种种劣迹和污点,你们还相信这样的一批人但我们的领袖,带我们举行这样的活动?????渣渣,滚远了,别祸害人
