

3.10 Stand By Tibet 與西藏同行──紀念西藏抗暴53週年燭光集會

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3.10 與西藏同行──紀念西藏抗暴53週年燭光集會
日期: 2012年3月10日(星期六)
時間: 5:00pm-8:00pm
地點: 尖沙咀文化中心自由戰士雕像下面(集會後再前往中聯辦燭光悼念)
形式: 分享感受,宗教禱告,話劇表演,誦經供燈,燭光悼念



1959年中國以武力入侵西藏, 3月10日藏人聚集在拉薩起義抗暴,達賴喇嘛被迫逃難印度,展開了這53年的流亡,何時能重返西藏仍遙遙無期。







─克里斯托夫•白蘇且Christophe Besuchet

-釋廣度 Thich Quang Do



1. 開啟真誠的、有意義並有成效的對話來解決西藏現實問題。
2. 中國政府必須立即停止在藏區的血腥鎮壓、軍管戒嚴和資訊封鎖。
3. 容許聯合國及國際人權組織進入西藏,由獨立的調查委員會查清事實真相,追查藏區發生自焚、槍殺的地點起因,以及藏人死亡受傷的情況、拘禁政治犯的人數和失蹤異見人士的下落。
4. 採納達賴喇嘛及西藏流亡政府提出的「中間路線」,給西藏自由、人民自決、高度自治的和解方案,保留藏區民族的宗教、文化、語言的傳統,尊重藏人的基本人權和思想信仰,放棄現行對西藏的強硬高壓政策。

3.10 與西藏同行──紀念西藏抗暴53週年燭光集會
為西藏供燈 Pray for Tibet on Facebook
袖手不仁 燭光晚會 くHANDS-OFF-IS-NO-HUMAN Vigil : pray for Tibet; pray for the self-immolated.>

西藏在燃燒 靈魂在發光 26位自焚者名單.
Self-Immolation Fact Sheet

 Confirmed name list of the self-immolated Tibetan

Tibetan National Anthem
Tibet (Hymn of the Government in Exile/Himno del Gobierno en el Exilio)
《西藏青年》 (2008)


3.10 Stand By Tibet – Candlelight vigil in remembrance of 53 years of resistance to totalitarianism.
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012
Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm
Venue: Below the Freedom Fighter Statue, Hong Kong Cultural Center, TsimShaTsui.
Activities: Prayer, Sharing of Thoughts, Drama, Recitation, Lighting of Candles
Since February 2009, 26 Tibetans set themselves on fire.  Tibet is burning.  Why did they self-immolate?  What are they sacrificing for?
The Snow Lion Flag cannot be flown in Tibet. 
The picture of the Dalai Lama is a contraband. 
Believers chanting Buddhist teachings in a monastery are surrounded by the PRC troops.
Tibetan monks do not have freedom of religion, nor freedom of speech.
In the dark, gloomy snow, bright red Buddhist robes burst into fire,
Serving as a beacon, leading to a free Tibet.
To complete the final mission, and repel the PRC occupation and totalitarian rule.
In 1959, the PRC invaded Tibet.  Tibetans gathered in Lhasa to revolt against the invaders on March 10.  The Dalai Lama was forced to escape to India, beginning a 53-year exile. His return to Tibet remains a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Tibet today remains as its history's darkest hours, as predicted by the Dalai Lama XXIII, in 1933, in his last words:
"The communists will come to our frontdoor soon.  ……….We should be prepare to fight.  Our, our religion, culture, and tradition will be destroyed forever.  Titles of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama will be forgotten forever…..Our monasteries and nunneries will be looted and turned into ashes.  Our monks and nuns will be slaughtered. All writings of our great masters will cease to exist.  All religious and cultural infrastructure will be assaulted, and demolished. The rights and property of Tibetans will be robbed, and we will be slaves of the invaders.  We will have nothing left.  We will be homeless drifters,  immersed in misery, and live in fear and pain forever.
The Dalai Lama XXIV, Tenzin Gyatso, in writing his autobiography, during his long exile, persistently insist on non-violent and peaceful resistance.  He did not agitate divisiveness or fight for Tibetan independence.  He insists on negotiation, dialogue, and ethnic self-determination, maintenance of Tibet Autonomous Region structure, so his people may have freedom and justice.
Unfortunately, the PRC never stopped their military occupation and bloody suppression.  Tibetans live in fear under the horrific Fascist rule of the PRC.  During the 2008 Olympics, hosted by the PRC, brutal measures were employed to suppress the Tibetans' peaceful petition of their government, under the pretext of "stability".   Tibetan monks and nuns were forced to renounce their faith.  Regular Tibetan civilians who voiced concerns about totalitarian measures were arrested in a massive scale.  Currently, Tibet has entered unprecedented martial law conditions.  Military armored vehicles are at street corners. Anti-riot police are stationed at public places for purposes of intimidation. Road barriers are set up to stop people from visiting each other.  Internet connections are cut and news reporting is severely restricted.  Many are arrested under the charge of "agitation and divisiveness" to stifle people from speaking their minds.  Others are under house arrest under the name of "patriotic education" to intimidate them from public activities.
A spark of fire may spread a long way,
the self-immolated Tibetans did not die.
All the fires are burning bright
Spreading their message to the world
"Tibet has no human rights"
"Tibet needs freedom"
"Let the Dalai Lama return to Tibet"
"May the Dalai Lama have eternal life"
To shine the light of a free Tibet, they turned their bodies into illuminating spirit, with dignity and compassion, to defend the land of the people.
"I took this action, not for fame, admiration, love, or any other self-centered benefits, but a pure and sincere motive, not unlike the sacrifices of ancient Buddhists, and those of other Tibetan martyrs, for truth and freedom.  
Sobha Rinpoche (last words before self-immolation on January 8, 2012)
"Because they are carrying the hope that Tibet will be free some day. They are the beacons of a renewed struggle against China's tyranny and an inspiration for millions of Tibetans to unite and fight for their independence. May the sacrifices of these Tibetan self-immolators mark the beginning of Communist China's downfall."
Christophe Besuchet
"I wholly support the Tibetan people's courageous struggle for survival, and share your aspirations for the right to freedom and life. Your suffering is our suffering. Your struggle is our struggle….. Self-immolation is indeed a tragic and extreme act, one that should be avoided at all costs. But there are moments when this ultimate gesture, that of offering one's body as a torch of Compassion to dissipate darkness and ignorance is the only possible recourse.
Thich Quang Do
Let's say a prayer for Tibet, light the candles, remember the martyred Tibetans, and pray for freedom in Tibet.
We urge the United Nations, and people around the world, to be aware of Tibet, and call on the PRC to stop the suppression, allow the Dalai Lama to return home, and resolve the Tibetan issues through peaceful means.

An open letter to the PRC government, from Hong Kongers concerned with Tibet
March 10 is the anniversary of Tibetan uprising against totalitarianism.  53 years ago, Tibetans bravely rose up and resisted the colonial rule of Beijing.  They were met with military suppression.  The Dalai Lama escaped to India, starting a half of a century of exile.
We in Hong Kong are holding observances and a candlelight vigil, flying the Snow Lion Flag, calling on the world to support the Tibetan Resistance.   We share the pain of those self-immolated Tibetan martyrs and strongly condemn the PRC's military suppression, and it trampling of basic human rights and freedom.
Tibet has a population of about six million.  In 1951, the Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet was signed.  It consisted of seventeen points, including "The Tibetan people shall unite and drive out imperialist aggressive forces from Tibet.  The local government of Tibet shall actively assist the PLA to enter Tibet and consolidate the national defense…..  The Tibetan people have the right of exercising national regional autonomy….. The central authorities will not alter the existing political system in Tibet. The central authorities also will not alter the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama. Officials of various ranks shall hold office as usual. The established status, functions and powers of the Panchen Ngoerhtehni shall be maintained…..  The policy of freedom of religious belief laid down in the common program of the CPPCC shall be carried out. The religious beliefs, customs and habits of the Tibetan people shall be respected and lama monasteries shall be protected…… The spoken and written language and school education of the Tibetan nationality shall be developed step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet. Tibetan agriculture, livestock raising, industry and commerce shall be developed step by step and the people's livelihood shall be improved step by step in accordance with the actual conditions in Tibet…..The PRC government shall have centralized handling of all external affairs of the area of Tibet". Specifically, it stipulates that "In matters relating to various reforms in Tibet, there will be no compulsion on the part of the central authorities. The local government of Tibet shall carry out reforms of its own accord…"
However, in 1955, the central government implemented People's Commune and Great Leap Forward movements in Sichuan, Qinghai provinces.  They were met with resistance by the local Tibetans, resulting in heavy casualties and famine.  The PRC, since its inception, has conducted numerous political persecution campaigns, causing tens of millions of lives, and Tibet is no exception.  As an ethnic minority, Tibetans are subject to political interference, military assaults, economic exploitation, religious persecution, cultural reform, and environmental degradation.
On March 10, 1959, Tibetan tribes were concerned that their political and spiritual leader Dalai Lama would be kidnapped by the PRC.  Crowds took to the streets to protest and engaged in arm conflicts.  The PLA invaded, opened fired on Lhasa, and occupied Tibet.  The Dalai Lama sought sanctuary in India, and began his life in exile.  For the next 53 years, the Tibetan tribes lost their land, and their autonomy was brutally trampled upon by the PRC.  The monks and nuns lost their religious freedom, and many were even slaughtered.  To resolve the dispute peacefully, the Dalai Lama abandoned his desire for independence, hoping to return to foundation of the 17-point Agreement, and pursued a dialog between the exile government and the PRC.  However, the PRC relied on its military might and refused to negotiate.
In March of 1989, Tibetans not satisfied with the PRC's policies towards Tibet took to the streets again, resulting in a riot in Lhasa and much bloodshed.  The Party Regional Committee Secretary of Tibet Hu Jin-tao took a hard stand and cracked down hard on the protesters.  In June of the same year, the Tiananmen Square massacre took place in Beijing. For the next 23 years, human rights issues throughout China, such as heavy-handed suppression of protests, mass arrests, torture, and disappearances never cease.  The PRC's dictatorial system and totalitarian measures continue today.  Citizens in many localities organize petitions.  Huge crowds form to observe incidents.  Many participate in demonstrations and civil disobedience in order to defend human rights.
Due to the extended news blockade and intensive disinformation campaigns by the PRC government, many people in China, as well as overseas, do not know the true history and the current situation in Tibet.   A mention of Tibet tends to generate preconceived notions of anti-communist tribes fight for land, and the Dalai Lama stirring up independence movement to split up China.  2008 was the year China hosted the Olympics.  Chinese all over the world and Tibetans in exile organized civic actions and held demonstrations to protest the PRC's human rights abuses.  On March 14, citizens' petitions in Tibet was classified as a riot and armed police were sent in to suppress.  May 12 was the day of the Sichuan earthquake.  Many Tibetan communities in rural areas were buried.  News was cut off.  Information was unavailable.
Since March of 2009, 26 Tibetans were confirmed to have self-immolated in protest of the PRC's heavy-handed policies.  The PRC has not dealt directly with the Tibetans' life-sacrificing and peaceful petitions.  On the contrary, it places little value on human life, and doubles its efforts on cracking down on them.  It repeatedly blackens the reputation of those self-immolated Tibetans, misrepresents facts, and falsely accuses the Dalai Lama and overseas Tibetans of sedition and terrorism.
The current situation in Tibet is that the Snow Lion Flag may not be flown in Tibet, and it's illegal to possess a picture of the Dalai Lama, even at home.  Buddhists chanting their scriptures are surrounded by the PRC armed police.  Monks and nuns are summarily beaten and detained.  A black cloud is encroaching on the snow land.  There is no freedom of religion and speech.  When a monk in red robe set himself on fire, the Executive Vice Minister of the CCP's United Front Department Zhu Weiqun inhumanely accused the self-immolated folks of violating Buddhist teachings. After a monk named Phuntsok self-immolated, his brothers in the monastery were prosecuted for "hiding" him and causing his death, and sentenced to prison for 10-13 years.
The PRC has demolished countless Buddha statues.  Social customs, cultural traditions, and religious practices have long been restricted.  Recently, the so-called "Nine Haves" has been publicized on Tibetan monasteries.  That is, have statues of four leaders, have the PRC flag, have roads, have water, have electricity, have broadcast TV, have movies, have bookstores, and have newspapers.  Over half a century of PRC rule, they now have basic necessities like roads, water, and electricity.  What is even more shameful is that the purpose of such policies is to force-assimilate Tibetans, brainwashing, and exterminate the traditional Tibetan religion.  The so-called "Nine Haves" is the greatest profanity, insult, and wound forced upon Tibet and the Tibetans.
Tibetans oppose the horrific and extreme PRC policies of ethnic cleansing.  They set themselves on fire, sacrificing their lives, casting away darkness, and moving away from the horror.  Once the self-immolations have started, their fellow citizens fearlessly protect their remains and publicly memorialize them.  On January 23, the protests in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of Kardze and Ngaba of Sichuan were met with gunfire by PRC armed police, with at least seven deaths, and over 60 wounded.  The PRC once again accused the protesters of rioting, and deployed troops in armored vehicles to fire into the crowds.  Anti-riot police and anti-terrorist teams made mass-scale arrests on the streets, and shot-to-kill those running or hiding from them.  The PRC openly use excessive force in a colonial-style massacre and conduct genocidal fascist barbarism.
The serial self-immolations from 2011 to February 22, 2012, Tibetan New Year are particularly tragic.  Tibet is burning.  The fire of freedom and the glowing souls touch the hearts of people across the globe.  Those martyrs who self-immolated for their people, called for the home return of the Dalai Lama, and human rights and freedom for Tibet.  Your pain is our pain.  Your struggle is our struggle. Today Tibet, tomorrow Hong Kong.  The so-called "one country, two systems" is a sham, as is a "high degree of autonomy".  Chinese, Tibetans, and Hong Kongers share a destiny.  We fight for the same freedom, protect the same rights and dignity.  We have never been a threat to the PRC, nor have we divided the country, undermined their rule, or promoted independence.  But under the PRC's single-party dictatorship, the government maintains a violence machine and endlessly persecutes its people and snuffs out dissents.
Those self-immolated Tibetans took the actions for their ethnic survival, Tibetan freedom, and Elysium for all humanity.  They radiate the sound of justice, calling on the conscience of China to wake up, and acknowledge the life-exterminating sins of the PRC.
We solemnly issue the following demands to the PRC:
Initiate good-faith, meaningful and productive negotiation regarding the resolution of the Tibetan issues.
Stop all bloody crackdowns, martial law, and information blockade within the Tibetan Autonomous Regions.  
Allow the UN and international human rights organizations into Tibet, with independent investigative bodies to establish the true reasons for the self-immolations and shootings, and the fate of all the detainees and the dissidents who disappeared.
Adopt the Middle Way proposals of the Dalai Lama and the exile Tibetan government and grant Tibet freedom, self-determination, a high degree of autonomy as a compromise; preserve the Tibet Autonomous Regions' religion, culture, language and traditions, respect Tibetans' basic human rights and beliefs, and abandon the current heavy-handed policies.

