
WTO 十二国和欧盟联合声明:WTO现状己不可持续






我们:部长和代表一组志同道合的世界贸易组织 (世贸组织) 的代表团团长成员(见附注 1 ),2018年10月24至25日,在渥太华召开会议,该会议由加拿大国际贸易多样化部长吉姆卡尔担任主席;会议讨论如何加强和现代化世贸组织。

我们重申, 我们明确和坚决支持以规则为基础的多边贸易制度, 并强调世贸组织在促进和保护贸易方面所发挥的不可或缺的作用。这一制度标志着全球繁荣、增长和创造就业机会的空前篇章的开始, 尽管贸易带来的好处并非总是均匀分布。我们深为关切国际贸易最近的事态发展, 特别是保护主义的抬头, 这对世贸组织产生了不利影响, 使整个多边贸易体系处于危险之中。我们注意到日益增长的贸易紧张关系与全球贸易格局的重大变化有关。我们还注意到在谈判支柱下取得成果的困难。我们共同决心迅速采取一致行动, 解决这些前所未有的挑战, 恢复信心。在这方面, 我们确定了三个需要紧急审议的领域。 

首先, 我们强调争端解决制度是世贸组织的中心支柱。有效的争端解决制度保留了世贸组织成员的权利和义务, 确保了规则的可执行性。这一制度对于在谈判支柱中建立成员之间的信任也是必不可少的。我们深感关切的是, 上诉机构继续出现空缺, 对整个世贸组织制度都有风险。因此, 我们强调迫切需要取消对上诉机构成员的任命。我们承认, 人们对争端解决制度的运作提出了关切, 并准备处理解决办法, 同时保留该系统及其上诉机构的基本特征。为此, 我们的官员将继续进行讨论, 以提出维护和加强争端解决制度的想法。

第二, 我们必须重振世贸组织的谈判职能。我们需要在2019年结束关于渔业补贴的谈判, 与世贸组织部长在 MC11 的指示一致。还必须更新其规则, 以反映第二十一世纪的现实, 如可持续发展目标。解决现代经济和贸易问题, 处理未决和未完成的业务是确保世贸组织的重要性的关键。这可能需要对多边成果采取灵活和开放的谈判方法。在这方面, 我们欢迎通过 MC11 的联合声明倡议正在进行的工作。我们认识到必须解决补贴和其他手段造成的市场扭曲。

发展必须仍然是我们工作不可分割的一部分。我们需要探讨如何在规则制定工作中最好地追求发展层面, 包括特殊和差别待遇。我们的官员将审查和发展具体的参与方式, 重振谈判职能。

第三, 加强对成员国贸易政策的监督和透明度, 在确保世贸组织成员及时了解其合作伙伴采取的政策行动方面发挥中心作用。我们对世贸组织成员遵守其通知义务的总体记录表示关注, 我们同意, 需要改进, 以确保有关协定的有效透明度和运作。这方面的具体改进可以在短期内实现。我们的官员将会在这方面提出具体的意见。

我们寻求一个全面运作的世贸组织, 造福所有人。我们的上述目标只能通过持续和有意义的政治参与以及与世贸组织所有成员的对话来实现。在这方面, 我们赞赏地注意到世贸组织成员或世贸组织成员集团正在进行的其他努力, 特别是这一小组与会者最近提出的解决争端的建议, 以及透明度和通知。我们申明我们打算以建设性和协作的态度就这些和其他建议开展工作。

世贸组织目前的情况已不再是可持续的。我们的改革决心必须与行动相吻合: 我们将继续与保护主义作斗争;我们在政治上致力于在世贸组织中紧迫地推进透明度、争端解决和发展第二十一世纪贸易规则。我们期待着在2019年1月再次相见时回顾我们的进展。

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附注1:  参加本次会议的成员包括:澳大利亚, 巴西, 加拿大, 智利,欧洲联盟、日本、肯尼亚、韩国、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、新加坡和瑞士


Joint Communiqué of the Ottawa Ministerial on WTO Reform

From: Global Affairs Canada


We, Ministers and Heads of Delegation representing a group of like-minded World Trade Organization (WTO) membersFootnote 1 , met in Ottawa, October 24-25, chaired by the Honourable Jim Carr, Canada's Minister of International Trade Diversification, to discuss ways to strengthen and modernize the WTO.

We reaffirm our clear and strong support for the rules-based multilateral trading system and stress the indispensable role that the WTO plays in facilitating and safeguarding trade. That system marked the beginning of an unparalleled chapter in global prosperity, growth, and job creation around the world, though the benefits from trade have not always been evenly distributed. We are deeply concerned by recent developments in international trade, particularly the rise in protectionism, which negatively affect the WTO and put the entire multilateral trading system at risk. We note growing trade tensions are linked to major shifts in the global trading landscape. We also note the difficulties to achieve outcomes under the negotiating pillar. We share a common resolve for rapid and concerted action to address these unprecedented challenges and to restore confidence. In this regard, we have identified three areas requiring urgent consideration.

First, we underscore the dispute settlement system as a central pillar of the WTO. An effective dispute settlement system preserves the rights and obligations of WTO members, and ensures that the rules are enforceable. Such a system is also essential in building confidence amongst members in the negotiating pillar. We are deeply concerned that continued vacancies in the Appellate Body present a risk to the WTO system as a whole. We therefore emphasize the urgent need to unblock the appointment of Appellate Body members. We acknowledge that concerns have been raised about the functioning of the dispute settlement system and are ready to work on solutions, while preserving the essential features of the system and of its Appellate Body. For this purpose, our officials will continue to engage in discussions to advance ideas to safeguard and strengthen the dispute settlement system. 

Second, we must reinvigorate the negotiating function of the WTO. We need to conclude negotiations on fisheries subsidies in 2019 consistent with instructions from WTO Ministers at MC11. Its rules must also be updated to reflect 21st century realities, such as the Sustainable Development Goals. Addressing modern economic and trade issues, and tackling pending and unfinished business is key to ensuring the relevance of the WTO. This may require flexible and open negotiating approaches toward multilateral outcomes. We welcome in this regard the work that is being undertaken through the Joint Statement Initiatives from MC11. We recognize the need to address market distortions caused by subsidies and other instruments. 

Development must remain an integral part of our work. We need to explore how the development dimension, including special and differential treatment, can be best pursued in rule-making efforts. Our officials will examine and develop concrete options for engagement to reinvigorate the negotiating function.

Third, we should strengthen the monitoring and transparency of members' trade policies which play a central role in ensuring WTO members understand the policy actions taken by their partners in a timely manner. We are concerned with the overall record of compliance by WTO members with their notification obligations and we agree that improvements are required to ensure effective transparency and functioning of the relevant agreements. Specific improvements in this area can be achieved in the near term. Our officials will engage on concrete ideas put forward in this area. 

We seek a fully operational WTO that benefits all. Our objectives outlined above will only be reached through sustained and meaningful political engagement and through dialogue with all WTO members. In this regard, we note with appreciation other ongoing efforts by WTO members or groups of WTO members, in particular recent proposals by participants in this group on dispute settlement, as well as transparency and notifications. We affirm our intention to work constructively and collaboratively on these and other proposals. 

The current situation at the WTO is no longer sustainable. Our resolve for change must be matched with action: we will continue to fight protectionism; and we are committed politically to moving forward urgently on transparency, dispute settlement and developing 21st century trade rules at the WTO. We look forward to reviewing our progress when we meet again in January 2019.


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1 条评论:

  1. 單邊貿易主義的確不合適世界經濟發展規律了

