

原创: 陈达飞 

原题:Steve Bannon remarks at Vatican 2014


曾经担任负责中国事务的美国助理贸易代表雷明(Claire Reade)指出,即使双方能够达成某种协议,但由于美中关系已呈现出质的恶化,特别是美国对中国的不信任和顾忌不断加深。应该注意到的是,美国对中国整体战略的调整正从接触转变为遏制。她说:"我的直觉是,本届政府正在做的一些事情就是在把跨国企业在中国的'根'拔出来,让它们转移到中国以外的地方去。"




Thank you verymuch Benjamin, and I appreciate you guys. I want to talk about wealth creationand what wealth creation really can achieve and maybe take it in a slightlydifferent direction, because I believe the world, and particularly theJudeo-Christian west, is in a crisis. And it's really the organizing principleof how we built Breitbart News to really be a platform to bring news andinformation to people throughout the world. Principally in the west, but we'reexpanding internationally to let people understand the depths of this crisis,and it is a crisis both of capitalism but really of the underpinnings of theJudeo-Christian west in our beliefs.


It's ironic, I think,that we're talking today at exactly, tomorrow, 100 years ago, at the exactmoment we're talking, the assassination took place in Sarajevo of ArchdukeFranz Ferdinand that led to the end of the Victorian era and the beginning ofthe bloodiest century in mankind's history. Just to put it in perspective, withthe assassination that took place 100 years ago tomorrow in Sarajevo, the worldwas at total peace. There was trade, there was globalization, there wastechnological transfer, the High Church of England and the Catholic Church andthe Christian faith was predominant throughout Europe of practicing Christians.Seven weeks later, I think there were 5 million men in uniform and within 30days there were over a million casualties.


That war triggered acentury of barbaric — unparalleled in mankind's history — virtually 180 to 200million people were killed in the 20th century, and I believe that, you know,hundreds of years from now when they look back, we're children of that: We'rechildren of that barbarity. This will be looked at almost as a new Dark Age.


But the thing thatgot us out of it was not just the heroism of our people — whether it was Frenchresistance fighters, whether it was the Polish resistance fighters, or it's theyoung men from Kansas City or the Midwest who stormed the beaches of Normandy,commandos in England that fought with the Royal Air Force, that fought thisgreat war, really the Judeo-Christian West versus atheists, right? Theunderlying principle is an enlightened form of capitalism, that capitalismreally gave us the wherewithal. It kind of organized and built the materialsneeded to support, whether it's the Soviet Union, England, the United States,and eventually to take back continental Europe and to beat back a barbaricempire in the Far East.


That capitalismreally generated tremendous wealth. And that wealth was really distributedamong a middle class, a rising middle class, people who come from reallyworking-class environments and created what we really call a Pax Americana. Itwas many, many years and decades of peace. And I believe we've come partlyofftrack in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union and we're starting nowin the 21st century, which I believe, strongly, is a crisis both of our church,a crisis of our faith, a crisis of the West, a crisis of capitalism.


And we're at the verybeginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which if the peoplein this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really formwhat I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not juststand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbaritythat's starting, that will completely eradicate everything that we've beenbequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years.

如果在这个房间和教堂里的人不团结在一起, 不形成一股有斗志的教会力量的话,我相信,我们正处于一场非常残酷和血腥的冲突的最初级阶段。我们不应仅仅坚守我们的信仰,而是去为我们的信仰而战,去反对正在兴起的新的野蛮行径。否则,过去两千年,两千五百年间所遗留下来的一切(文明)将彻底被(野蛮)根除。

Now, what I mean bythat specifically: I think that you're seeing three kinds of convergingtendencies: One is a form of capitalism that is taken away from the underlyingspiritual and moral foundations of Christianity and, really, Judeo-Christianbelief. I see that every day.


I'm a very practical,pragmatic capitalist. I was trained at Goldman Sachs, I went to HarvardBusiness School, I was as hard-nosed a capitalist as you get. I specialized inmedia, in investing in media companies, and it's a very, very toughenvironment. "Let's all hold hands and sing 'Kumbaya' around capitalism." Butthere are two strands of capitalism today that are very disturbing.


One isstate-sponsored capitalism. And that's the capitalism you see in China andRussia. I believe it's what Holy Father [Pope Francis] has seen for most of hislife in places like Argentina, where you have this kind of crony capitalism ofpeople that are involved with these military powers-that-be in the government,and it forms a brutal form of capitalism that is really about creating wealthand creating value for a very small subset of people. And it doesn't spread thetremendous value creation throughout broader distribution patterns that wereseen really in the 20th century.

一个是国家资本主义,这就是你在中国和俄罗斯看到的资本主义。我相信这就是圣父 (弗朗西斯一世)在其一生中的大部分时光在阿根廷等地看到的那样。在那里,裙带资本主义与威权政府结合在一起,形成了一个残酷的资本主义形式,它是为一个很小的集体创造财富和价值的。它不像20世纪那样,将巨大的价值创造传播到更广泛的群体之中。

The second form ofcapitalism that I feel is almost as disturbing, is what I call the Ayn Rand orthe Objectivist School of libertarian capitalism. And, look, I'm a big believerin a lot of libertarianism. I have many many friends that's a very big part ofthe conservative movement — whether it's the UKIP movement in England, it'smany of the underpinnings of the populist movement in Europe, and particularlyin the United States.


However, that form ofcapitalism is quite different when you really look at it to what I call the"enlightened capitalism" of the Judeo-Christian West. It is a capitalism thatreally looks to make people commodities, and to objectify people, and to usethem almost — as many of the precepts of Marx — and that is a form ofcapitalism, particularly to a younger generation [that] they're really findingquite attractive.


The other tendency isan immense secularization of the West. And I know we've talked aboutsecularization for a long time, but if you look at younger people, especiallymillennials under 30, the overwhelming drive of popular culture is toabsolutely secularize this rising iteration.


Now that callconverges with something we have to face, and it's a very unpleasant topic, butwe are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism. And this war is, Ithink, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.


If you look at what'shappening in ISIS, which is the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant, that isnow currently forming the caliphate that is having a military drive on Baghdad.If you look at what they've done with Twitter and Facebook and modern ways tofundraise, and to use crowdsourcing to fund, besides all the access to weapons,over the last couple days they have had a radical program of taking kids andtrying to turn them into bombers. They have driven 50,000 Christians out of atown near the Kurdish border. We have video that we're putting up later todayon Breitbart where they've took 50 hostages and thrown them off a cliff inIraq.


That war is expandingand it's metastasizing to sub-Saharan Africa. We have Boko Haram and othergroups that will eventually partner with ISIS in this global war, and it is,unfortunately, something that we're going to have to face, and we're going tohave to face very quickly.


So I think thediscussion of, should we put a cap on wealth creation and distribution? It'ssomething that should be at the heart of every Christian that is a capitalist —"What is the purpose of whatever I'm doing with this wealth? What is thepurpose of what I'm doing with the ability that God has given us, that divineprovidence has given us to actually be a creator of jobs and a creator ofwealth?"


I think it reallybehooves all of us to really take a hard look and make sure that we arereinvesting that back into positive things. But also to make sure that weunderstand that we're at the very beginning stages of a global conflict, and ifwe do not bind together as partners with others in other countries that thisconflict is only going to metastasize.


They have a Twitteraccount up today, ISIS does, about turning the United States into a "river ofblood" if it comes in and tries to defend the city of Baghdad. And trust me,that is going to come to Europe. That is going to come to Central Europe, it'sgoing to come to Western Europe, it's going to come to the United Kingdom. Andso I think we are in a crisis of the underpinnings of capitalism, and on top ofthat we're now, I believe, at the beginning stages of a global war against Islamic fascism.




2 条评论:

  1. 中国人常批评一一甚至批判日本人不正视历史吸取历史教训、也界人更炙批评中共七不讲是故意让中共和中国人忘记过去的历史错涣、吸取敖训。但我却更严励地批判西方三种人:政治领导人、社会知沃精英、资本家(企业精英)他们己三次重蹈覆辙一一上世纪20年代十四国围攻新生的苏联、说明当时己有不少人看到苏联邪恶和危害的一面;但列宁一提出什么新经济政策、西方的资金和企业就像苍蝇扑蜜粐糖一样蜂拥而去、让苏联站稳脚跟、最后成了世界超强两极之一、导到和平后的冷战危机、要不是核武出现造成恐怖平衡、三次大战并不会比二战损害少、只会更惨烈一一但其中的少规模代理战争:韩战、越战、中东、非洲小规模战争损失也不箅少了、这些战争和苏联的掘起无关吗!二战前对德、日的战略物资、技术输送也不算少、直至美国参战为止、对曰本还因其大呼脱亚入欧的口号蒙蔽(但侵华伊始即可见其野心了、一些美国志愿军支援中国抗日、但另一些美国人还继续对日贸易、继续输送。好这两次还可说被蒙蔽、未有明白证椐提前警示。

  2. 第三次错误则更无理可推可推了I:24年来世资交易让中共以其体制阴险获取了大量资金、敏感技术;发展航天技杰、太空战略卫星、差一些的隐型战机、垂直起飞的战机、一艘至多艘航母、大型空客机、各种先进飞弹、万一三战重起用你们的资金、技术、知识培养起来的共军会那么仁济、精准地不杀害你们吗?你们最宝贵最有价值的千万青年人不是首当其冲吗?到时宽阔的太平洋;也难保美国的人民和国土安全了、隡武系统真的那么万无一失吗?那些惨遭杀害的年轻人中保不有你的几孙呢!中共的目标自今还不明确!他们不惜奴役千百万中国人、饿死几千万中国人:开枪直至用坦克屠杀广场学生、都是为了取得"世界革命中心"地位吗?苏联帮不到、现在西方世界却完成了这任务了。现在变得有财有势、有武力了。过去胡涛大叫美帝亡我之心不死、现在习反覆强调不忘初心(二点:彻底为人民服务一一这是虚晃一招、七十年耒只是挂在口中、要不、70年来那么多灾难、反复出现、无辜枉死了近亿人口。其二是‥"觯放全人类亠一这马克思交给世界共产党唯一也是最重要的任务)滔光养晦时实力太差、暂且不提、今天被你们打足气、养足力了、不但要钱收买新殖民地、过去大骂美苏建立海外基地是奴役各地人民、今天一有机会也会在亚、非建立(奴役人民的)基地了明白了吧共产党是一亇口是心非的邪恶组织、他遵守过国共的双十协定吗?它遵守中英联合声明呜?它有履行过入世贸时的一项承诺吗?它有执行过白己制定的"宪法35条条欵和保护私人财产的承诺吗?一迈大叫经济实力世界第二、一两年超过美国、居世界第一了要主导修改世界现行各种规例、结束美国主导世界的现状;你一要求它履行入世承诺它又大叫自己仍是属第三世界国家、仍是穷国、甚至向世贸投诉别人越界要求它了。中共比苏共还差、中共是一亇专功培养两脸人、三脸人的邪恶组织。更兼盗用了中国古代计策一一孙子兵法等用在对人民统治、国际和平交往上。以诚信、坦白为本的西方人怎是它谈判对手。特别令我难觧的是:本以培养知识精英为己任的各国大学一一尤其各名牌大学;按埋他们对各种问题的认知,和分析力比一般人强、看得前瞻和透彻才是、但20多年实践经验证明:疯狂地招收中国留学生是错得很严重:或许他们认为对这些畄学生适行知识教育、普世价值的直接影响、让这些年轻养成法制民主约认识习惯、回国帮助中国走向进步、或将之培养成人材为各国服务;谁知中共对移民、出国的人都严加审查、控制。只准对它有利、不能有害一一而且越来越紧、它的审查具幸、细微、以小到大`、不止学生本人、各方面都考虑到一一到香港移动的人只能中共有权审、港府不但无权审、事前不知情、到时照单全收。现在香`港人的政治立场成份大变一一这叫渗沙子。何况学生钊校还要受中共组织成立的组织领导、控制。还有驻各地的大、领使控制、不少人知认学了不少一一甚至远超应有范围、畄下的又如何、根联未断、未必对当地国家有利、交流学者也一样:那些常对中共少骂大帮忙的现象决不应不防也。试看08奥运圣火传送:不少城市搞得五星旗海摇曳:骤看以为此市被中共"和平解放"了。其中大多旗手是邵些畄学生。欢迎中共官员的欢迎队伍一天比一夭长、其中不少也是留学生。更有防碍教学内容自由、学生言论自由、邀请学者、讲者的自由、不单单是"孔子学院"起作用、畄学生在某些势力指挥影响力也不少呢?有些人说他们耶样的思想何不到朝鲜留学呢?一来朝无对中共有利的知识学。=来更重要的是朝鲜不是中共的敌人。所以不少畄学生外国留学任务不是单一为了知认识的、、、、、、看看加拿大女畄生毕业讲话、极其量是一些小小的隐谕、最后还是捡查认错才了事。是当地领使干的吗?是同类畄学生造成的。可见、、、、、、、、如果有些大学确实缺了这部份畄学生的钱就维持不下去、我诚心大声呼请各也有钱人对提出申请的大学慷慨觯囊支助、以免因上述原因导致引入害虫、毒蛇危害各国自由、安全。

